Astronomija, erdvė ir laikas (anglų k.)

iš viso 42
Rodoma 31-4242

Charge Storage and Aging Phenomena in Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors
Charge Storage and Aging Phenome... Patrick Ruch
  • Išparduota

Far Out: A Space-Time Chronicle
Far Out: A Space-Time Chronicle Michael Benson
  • Išparduota

Magnetic properties of R2PdSi3 (R = heavy rare earth) compounds
Magnetic properties of R2PdSi3 (... Matthias Dietrich...
  • Išparduota

Investigations of Upper Atmosphere Dynamics on Mars and Venus by High Resolution Infrared Heterodyne Spectroscopy of CO2
Investigations of Upper Atmosphe... Manuela Sornig
  • Išparduota

Molecular Diagnostics of Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields
Molecular Diagnostics of Solar a... Nadine Afram
  • Išparduota

A new era of Leptogenesis
A new era of Leptogenesis Steve Blanchet
  • Išparduota

Dynamics of Ultra-short Laser Pulse Interaction with Solids at the Origin of Nanoscale Surface Modification
Dynamics of Ultra-short Laser Pu... Florenta A Costache
  • Išparduota

Low threshold organic thin-film laser devices
Low threshold organic thin-film... Christian Karnutsch
  • Išparduota

CONDOR: a Heterodyne Receiver for Astronomical Observations at 1.5 THz
CONDOR: a Heterodyne Receiver fo... Gundolf Wieching
  • Išparduota

High Resolution Terahertz Spetctroscopy on Small Molecules of Astrophysical Importance
High Resolution Terahertz Spetct... Sandra Brünken
  • Išparduota

The Calendar
The Calendar Jacqueline de Bour...
  • Išparduota

The Inflationary Universe
The Inflationary Universe Alan Guth
  • Išparduota