An insecure young woman, Delia is devastated to learn that her unfaithful late husband has left her childhood home to his own illegitimate son, Leon, but the charming and friendly Leon brings new warmth, sensuality, and joy to her life. 20,000 first printing.
Perskaityta knyga:
Nenauja knyga, kurią parduoda privatus žmogus.
Knygą išsiųs knygos pardavėjas VyckaK.
Pardavėjo reitingas: 98%
An insecure young woman, Delia is devastated to learn that her unfaithful late husband has left her childhood home to his own illegitimate son, Leon, but the charming and friendly Leon brings new warmth, sensuality, and joy to her life. 20,000 first printing.