Physical Geology of New Jersey assembles public domain work completed by the New Jersey Geological Survey and the USGS into a comprehensive book covering the four physiographic provinces in the state. The book is technical in nature, written for the geology student at the third or fourth year of study, and beyond.Chapter 1 presents the properties, characteristics, and features of the Valley and Ridge Province. The chapter ends with field sites one can visit while in the region.Chapter 2 presents the Highlands Province geologic history dating back to the Proterozoic continuing up the time scale through the Cenozoic Era. The Grenville and Taconic Orogenies are discussed as they relate to the province's development. The chapter ends with field sites to visit for observing geologic features.Chapter 3 presents the Piedmont Province with a discussion of the structure, physiography, and stratigraphy. The main strata in this province belongs to the Newark Supergroup which is presented at length along with formation strata descriptions. Tectonic subsidence history and volcanism, and structure of the Newark Basis at the close of the Triassic and after Triassic deformation is included.Chapter 4 presents the Coastal Plain, summarizing the structure and depositional history along with the stratigraphic formations throughout the Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary Periods. Field sites are presented at the end of the chapter.