Thirty years ago, Earth suffered a sudden mass extinction that left the planet overgrown and abandoned. Two survivors managed to stumble upon a portal to a new planet where Earth refugees have created the ultimate paradise. Saint Lucia is a call back to simple times on Earth where shops and humble cottages are connected with ornate cobblestone pathways. The settlers are friendly and kind, and the air smells sweet of freshly baked bread from Patterson Bakery. A salty breeze weaves between the branches of trees adorned with stiff yellow and white leaves with speckled trunks. Citizens spend their weekends on the Newton seaside with baskets full of fruit harvested from Gretta's farm. Beyond the dense forests and farmlands lies a heavily guarded stone wall. Is the wall crafted to keep the citizens safe from the unknown perils that lie outside, or is it designed to imprison the citizens inside? Anna and Cole, the two remaining survivors from Earth, unwittingly set out to unlock the secrets of this sleepy and slightly peculiar extraterrestrial town.