CLIMATE PROTECTION AND KNOWLEDGE: With this book you support - documented - afforestation projects and digital neural machine learning translation, get fast compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press reviews in the book preview) as well as advice proven in practice, which leads step by step to success - also thanks to add-on. Because the change from team member to manager is often not easy, conflicts and raises many questions: Which first steps should employees take if they want to reach a leading position? What role does professional experience play in this process? What are the qualities that make a good, modern manager? How do you deal with colleagues who were previously equals and perhaps even friends? What can employees in a management position expect? What are the fundamental differences between the field of activity of a specialist and a manager? And how can leadership and social skills be learned? This book provides answers to these questions with tips from numerous renowned experts.
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Mažiausia kaina per 30 dienų: 10,39 €
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CLIMATE PROTECTION AND KNOWLEDGE: With this book you support - documented - afforestation projects and digital neural machine learning translation, get fast compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press reviews in the book preview) as well as advice proven in practice, which leads step by step to success - also thanks to add-on. Because the change from team member to manager is often not easy, conflicts and raises many questions: Which first steps should employees take if they want to reach a leading position? What role does professional experience play in this process? What are the qualities that make a good, modern manager? How do you deal with colleagues who were previously equals and perhaps even friends? What can employees in a management position expect? What are the fundamental differences between the field of activity of a specialist and a manager? And how can leadership and social skills be learned? This book provides answers to these questions with tips from numerous renowned experts.