CLIMATE PROTECTION AND KNOWLEDGE: With this book you can support - documented - afforestation projects and digital neural machine learning translation, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press reviews in the book preview) as well as advice proven in practice, which leads step by step to success - also thanks to add-on. Because TV series like Game of Thrones inspire with exciting stories, highly complex tasks, psychologically sophisticated character studies and perfect marketing. And this is exactly what companies and applicants should learn from - especially if they want to inspire, gain trust and make the right offer in negotiations. This book shows the methods, selection criteria and tricks in the application process, but also makes it clear: Only if employees and companies pull together, i.e. if matching and cultural fit are right, will both be successful in the long term.
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Mažiausia kaina per 30 dienų: 10,39 €
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CLIMATE PROTECTION AND KNOWLEDGE: With this book you can support - documented - afforestation projects and digital neural machine learning translation, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press reviews in the book preview) as well as advice proven in practice, which leads step by step to success - also thanks to add-on. Because TV series like Game of Thrones inspire with exciting stories, highly complex tasks, psychologically sophisticated character studies and perfect marketing. And this is exactly what companies and applicants should learn from - especially if they want to inspire, gain trust and make the right offer in negotiations. This book shows the methods, selection criteria and tricks in the application process, but also makes it clear: Only if employees and companies pull together, i.e. if matching and cultural fit are right, will both be successful in the long term.