The past collides with the future in this exciting and dark tale...
Earth, 2180. Society has risen again after the Fall, and city-states soar above the wreckage of a distant past. On the crowded streets of Novum, Ricky Mills runs the hustle, slipping past the MPE and Behavior Regulators to deliver illegal treasures his clients can't find for themselves. But the numbing grind brings him little joy, and a second existence--lived inside a powerful simulation--has become an unbreakable habit, leading to insurmountable debt. To pay back his debt--and stay alive--he embarks on a personal journey that involves desperate fear, the sacrifice of another, and a promise to fulfill an old man's dream. What Ricky discovers will change his life forever.
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The past collides with the future in this exciting and dark tale...
Earth, 2180. Society has risen again after the Fall, and city-states soar above the wreckage of a distant past. On the crowded streets of Novum, Ricky Mills runs the hustle, slipping past the MPE and Behavior Regulators to deliver illegal treasures his clients can't find for themselves. But the numbing grind brings him little joy, and a second existence--lived inside a powerful simulation--has become an unbreakable habit, leading to insurmountable debt. To pay back his debt--and stay alive--he embarks on a personal journey that involves desperate fear, the sacrifice of another, and a promise to fulfill an old man's dream. What Ricky discovers will change his life forever.