CLIMATE PROTECTION AND KNOWLEDGE: With this book you can support - documented - afforestation projects and digital neural machine learning translation, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press reviews in the book preview) as well as advice proven in practice, which leads step by step to success - also thanks to add-on. Because the lack of sufficiently qualified employees, especially in the IT sector, is a challenge for many companies. But they can do a lot themselves to master it: with job advertisements that fit the target group, the right approach in social networks, targeted talent management and above all an ideal working environment that also includes flexible working hours and regular further training.
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Atsiuntimas po užsakymo akimirksniu! Skirta skaitymui tik kompiuteryje, planšetėje ar kitame elektroniniame įrenginyje.
Mažiausia kaina per 30 dienų: 10,39 €
Mažiausia kaina užfiksuota: Kaina nesikeitė
CLIMATE PROTECTION AND KNOWLEDGE: With this book you can support - documented - afforestation projects and digital neural machine learning translation, quickly receive compact information and checklists from experts (overview and press reviews in the book preview) as well as advice proven in practice, which leads step by step to success - also thanks to add-on. Because the lack of sufficiently qualified employees, especially in the IT sector, is a challenge for many companies. But they can do a lot themselves to master it: with job advertisements that fit the target group, the right approach in social networks, targeted talent management and above all an ideal working environment that also includes flexible working hours and regular further training.