The great library at the ancient city of Nineveh, located on the east bank of the Tigris River at the present-day city of Mosul, Iraq, was only discovered in the nineteenth century-and its cuneiform books only deciphered much later. But when they were, they provided a detailed insight into not only the day-to-day life of the ancient Assyrian civilization, but also its thoughts, laws, social structure, and relationship with the outside world. The discovery of this treasure trove-and its translation by the author-provides an unparalleled wealth of information about the ancient world. More than 20,000 tablets or fragments of tablets detail the ancient lore of Mesopotamia, and include Assyrian history, religion, art, literature, science, manners and customs, trade and government. This edition contains an appendix consisting of translations from Assyrian texts relating to the history of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and a comprehensive index. Cover image: A relief of Ashurbanipal from the North Palace of Nineveh.